Saturday, September 27, 2014

It’s time to check your Facebook privacy settings.

There is no such thing as privacy on the internet. It’s important to be careful on what you share by setting some limits and restrictions on the information you make available. There are many risks associated with letting too much information slip, ranging from turning off a potential employer to giving hackers personal details they can use to exploit you.

Some suggested safety measures: Shut off the search engine linking to your profile in your apps. Never post when you are going to be out of town, even if it’s only for a day. (You are publicly inviting thieves to your home). Never publish your address or phone number. Avoid posting your children’s pictures and questionable photos of yourself and friends. Never accept a friend request from a stranger. And finally, avoid simple passwords and change them monthly.

I thought that my Facebook privacy settings were pretty good until we went over them in Social Media. I made some changes to my account, during and after class. My personal life is now a bit more private. Professionally speaking though, my account did not have anything I could find that I wouldn’t want a future employer to see. I’ve always used some sort of discretion when posting things and have tried to avoid profanity (not to say I never slipped or was tagged by friends).  I read somewhere that 43% of employees do not hire some candidates after viewing their Facebook account.

In the future, I will definitely be more careful in what I do online; and not just with Facebook. I also plan to take more safety measures with my Smart Phone. It’s sad that there are people out there who scam on others.  I guess one can never be too careful.

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