Friday, September 12, 2014

Have you herd? We're mooovin' into Twitter!

Twitter?! Really? Shut the barn door!

Hay, that's awesome news... HOLD YOUR HORSES??!!

What is Twitter actually?
Twitter is a cross between blogging and instant messaging. It is a great tool for quickly communicating a message to a group of people. Only allowing 140 max characters, it is very short and right to the point. Twitter is micro-blogging and is used for different things to different folks. It can be a great business tool, keeping in touch with family and friends or for up-to-date news reporting.

So what does that mean for you?!

This is how we will use Twitter...
Engage Tweet: Fall is our favorite season at Double J! What is yours and why?

Entertain Tweet: Straight from the horse's mouth...Your Friday Funny!

Inform Tweet: We've added 10 more cabins - all with hot tubs... Who's in for some fun?!

EEI Tweet with Hashtag: Is your family planning a holiday retreat? Relax in our Winter Wonderland! #winterfun

EEI Tweet with Mention: The cattle are heading home @doublejranchres ...

Also look for super savings, contests and a ton of giveaways!!!

Need a place for your pooch while you're on vacation? Check out @pawspetlodge  !!!!


  1. Hey Jen! Your twitter account is looking great! It flows good with your blog. I love the tweets you've posted! :)

  2. Hi Jen,
    I hope that you are enjoying Eau Claire campus. I reviewed your Twitter page and you addressed all of the requirements and more. I love your blog as well. Take care.

  3. Jeni once again your great and going the extra mile. I really love your blog and Twitter Account . I love the videos and all of us miss you at River Falls. Take care.
