Saturday, December 6, 2014

Happy Trails to You...

As with everything in life, there is a season. A time to reap; a time to sow. A time to hold on; a time to let go. Our presence on social media has come to pass and it is time to say goodbye.
We launched our fake businesses almost four months ago. Over this time "Double J" has created a Blog, Twitter and Pinterest Accounts and a Facebook Page. We've had a contest and giveaway as well as several parties and even a rodeo. Using HootSuite we've scheduled daily tweets and posts. The highlight was our podcast, "Campfire Chronicles" and developing our app, "Dude, Where's My Ranch?"

It has been a ton of fun promoting a childhood dream! We were up to 85 likes on Facebook and even had a few followers on Twitter! It has been an awesome adventure and learning experience. The knowledge I have gained will be helpful as I pursue a career in marketing. A big thank you to all of you who took part in this in one form or another. Adios!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Interact and all that app…

Double J is now part of Second Life! Virtually visit us and see for yourself our amazing accommodations! Pick out the one that’s just right for you! You can also fill your “barn” with our steed lineup and even go for a ride! We choose Second Life because it has over one million regular users and we felt it would be a huge benefit to our future guests to get a feel for the ranch. So, what are you waiting for?! Round ‘em up and move ‘em out!
WE NOW HAVE AN APP!  Dude, Where’s My Ranch is available for download on your iPhone or Android for absolutely FREE! The Double J on-property concierge and local guide will enhance your experience at the ranch.  You will find interactive maps of all of our trails so you will never get lost and check the local weather so you know how to dress (or possibly opt to cuddle by the fire). You will receive a daily welcome with all the day’s activities as well as upcoming events.  Don’t miss out and get your app today!

Friday, November 14, 2014

"Travel is the only thing you buy, that makes you richer."

Double J Ranch Resort is now on TripAdvisor -  the world's largest travel site!  Browse over 170 million candid reviews, opinions and photos of hotels, restaurants, attractions, and more. You'll also find low airfares, free travel guides, vacation rental listings, popular forums with advice about virtually every destination and more.

Here are just a few reasons why we joined TripAdvisor: Millions and millions of travelers use TripAdvisor each month, to shamelessly show off our luxury resort, it's free and build our business by capturing the attention of travelers. In addition, consumers trust the word of other unbiased consumers. (source: TripAdvisor)

We are asking our loyal guests to share their positive experiences at Double J. Tell the world about the awesome night's sleep you got in our comfy beds, exceptional home-cooked meals, relaxing horse rides and great family-bonding moments... don't be shy! We appreciate our customers and would be honored if you would write us a quick review. Thank you so much for your time and kind words!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Don't get up to use the restroom!

Double J has produced a little commercial for your viewing pleasure! Take a video vacation break from this nasty white stuff and bone-chilling temperatures mother nature has dumped on us!
Double J Slideshow Commercial

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Announcing Double J's Photo Contest!

In honor of the “Year of the Horse” we want you to send us your best shot! Take a picture of your horse being a horse and doing what he/she does best: running, playing, or interacting with his/her pasture-mates. A picture is worth $1,000 towards a 2015 vacation at the Ranch! 2nd runner-up receives a $500 voucher and 3rd runner-up receives a $250 voucher.

Simply post your picture to our Facebook page Get your friends to “Like” and Share” your post. Top ten entries with the most “Likes” will be voted on by a panel of judges at the ranch. Winners and winning photos will be posted on Facebook, Thursday, November 13th at noon as well our Blog and Twitter

RULES: Eligible photos must contain a horse. Contest is open to anyone age 18 or older. No cash will be awarded. Winners will receive a voucher towards a stay at Double J Ranch Resort in 2015. By entering this contest, entrant represents and acknowledges that the submitted photo is an original work created solely by the entrant. All entries become property of DJRR and might be used in future promotional pieces. Contest is open now until Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 at midnight.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I mustache you a question, but I will shave it for later…

No-Shave November is a unique way to raise cancer awareness.  What better way to grow awareness than with some hair?  Show your support and give back.
In 2013, No Shave November partnered with the American Cancer Society to ensure that the funds raised in the annual campaign would be distributed to all of the areas that matter to the team: research, prevention, education, and continuing care. With every whisker grown and dollar raised, No Shave November celebrates the hair that many cancer patients lose and gets one step closer to eradicating the disease. For those of you who are unfamiliar with No Shave November I have provided a link:
Cancer took my father’s life 12 years ago. Not a day goes by that I do not miss him. Leukemia was his demise and even though it is not hereditary, his twin sister (because one could not be so good looking) died of it less than two years later. He was the “King of One-Liners” and being a salesman, knew more jokes than I could ever remember. When he was in school he said there was a smart section and a dumb section… he was the smartest one in the dumb section!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Network Newbie!

Double J Ranch Resort has discovered an exciting niche social network! Dude Ranchers Association is an informative interactive website that explores the offerings of many dude ranches. You will find an array of wild west vacation destinations along with what to expect, what you should bring and general horse safety. But it doesn’t stop there! This site is well worth checking out if you are planning a ranch siesta soon.
I’ve created a Jing video showing you the basics of the site. I invite all of you to view it and see for yourself! You won't be disappointed!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Winter is Coming!

When city folks think of winter they think of sleet, snow and shoveling... but here at Double J, we think of fun, fires and festivities! Whether it's a day on your sled or a night by the fire, we have you covered! We offer various packages to cure those winter blues.

And now winter just got a whole lot warmer here at the ranch! We are giving away a weeks stay during the holidays!  Visit our Facebook page to like and share our giveaway post for your chance to win a vacation of a lifetime!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fantastic Fall Food!

For those of you who have stayed with us at Double J you have had the pleasure of experiencing some terrific treats! Our chefs prepare mouth-watering masterpieces that will satisfy even the pickiest of palates. We offer the traditional old west cowboy fare, but incorporate some greats new finds - of course all homemade.

Our dessert chef works day and night preparing some simply amazing selections that will have the sugar seekers begging for more. (And of course, calories don't count at DJ!). Just another reason to stay @ Double J!! #lifetimehips  #lifeisshort


Friday, October 3, 2014

F is for Facebook... Fall... Fun...

Breezy fall greetings friends and family! I hope you are staying warm as the temperature continues to drop here and the chance of snow is eminent. Today marked another milestone for Double J as we are now on Facebook.

Please visit, like and share our page! We plan to use Facebook for contests, giveaways, tips & tricks and event promotions. We would also like to hear from you about your adventure here at the ranch including some photos! Keep them posts a coming!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It’s time to check your Facebook privacy settings.

There is no such thing as privacy on the internet. It’s important to be careful on what you share by setting some limits and restrictions on the information you make available. There are many risks associated with letting too much information slip, ranging from turning off a potential employer to giving hackers personal details they can use to exploit you.

Some suggested safety measures: Shut off the search engine linking to your profile in your apps. Never post when you are going to be out of town, even if it’s only for a day. (You are publicly inviting thieves to your home). Never publish your address or phone number. Avoid posting your children’s pictures and questionable photos of yourself and friends. Never accept a friend request from a stranger. And finally, avoid simple passwords and change them monthly.

I thought that my Facebook privacy settings were pretty good until we went over them in Social Media. I made some changes to my account, during and after class. My personal life is now a bit more private. Professionally speaking though, my account did not have anything I could find that I wouldn’t want a future employer to see. I’ve always used some sort of discretion when posting things and have tried to avoid profanity (not to say I never slipped or was tagged by friends).  I read somewhere that 43% of employees do not hire some candidates after viewing their Facebook account.

In the future, I will definitely be more careful in what I do online; and not just with Facebook. I also plan to take more safety measures with my Smart Phone. It’s sad that there are people out there who scam on others.  I guess one can never be too careful.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Something for Every Inner Cowboy and Cowgirl!

A vacation at our resort is a Western experience that you and your family will treasure for a lifetime. And keep in mind that no two experiences will be the same. Besides horses and other outdoor activities, our ranch is about family, friendships and long-standing tradition. When you think of dude ranches, you may have visions of "City Slickers" and burly cowboys, franks and beans, and hard work in the saddle. We offer that but there are a whole lot of other choices too! We provide families a chance to explore parks and trails on horseback. We also take the glamorous route with our 5-star accommodations and luxurious spas. Of course, there are plenty of places in between, meaning every member of the family can find a way to entertain their inner cowpoke.

No matter what route you choose, there is sure to be a range of fun activities. Our horses are for people of all abilities and skill levels. And, you can be sure you’ll have plenty of other things to keep you entertained. You could take an overnight fishing trip to a secluded, trout-filled mountain lake, spend the afternoon getting pampered with a massage, take a swim in the pool or discover a hidden talent in archery.

Got your own horses and want to bring them with? Be our guest! We have cabins set up especially for those arriving with trucks and trailers. Plenty of parking plus pens set up with shelter for your horse to relax after their long ride here… or on the trail.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Have you herd? We're mooovin' into Twitter!

Twitter?! Really? Shut the barn door!

Hay, that's awesome news... HOLD YOUR HORSES??!!

What is Twitter actually?
Twitter is a cross between blogging and instant messaging. It is a great tool for quickly communicating a message to a group of people. Only allowing 140 max characters, it is very short and right to the point. Twitter is micro-blogging and is used for different things to different folks. It can be a great business tool, keeping in touch with family and friends or for up-to-date news reporting.

So what does that mean for you?!

This is how we will use Twitter...
Engage Tweet: Fall is our favorite season at Double J! What is yours and why?

Entertain Tweet: Straight from the horse's mouth...Your Friday Funny!

Inform Tweet: We've added 10 more cabins - all with hot tubs... Who's in for some fun?!

EEI Tweet with Hashtag: Is your family planning a holiday retreat? Relax in our Winter Wonderland! #winterfun

EEI Tweet with Mention: The cattle are heading home @doublejranchres ...

Also look for super savings, contests and a ton of giveaways!!!

Need a place for your pooch while you're on vacation? Check out @pawspetlodge  !!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Round 'em Up, And Move 'em Out!

Howdy Partners and Welcome to the Fall Season at the Resort!

Although Double JJ Ranch Resort offers a luxury ranch experience, there is no reason why you can't get out and get dirty during the day! During September, guests can get a taste for what it's like to be a real Cowboy or Cowgirl by taking part in our Annual Fall Cattle Round-Up!

You will spend the first couple of days honing up on your horsemanship skills before we send you out for some serious riding. After that, we pack some lunches and head out for all-day rides to herd cattle in for the winter. Some days we will ride directly from the ranch, other days we will trailer you out. The cattle have 12,000 acres to roam on so there is quite an amount to cover. The riding is rugged and guests need to have a "sense of adventure" to help with this task. If you wanted to experience the real deal, this is it! The first few weeks we seem to find the cattle more easily; the last few it becomes a bit more adventurous! All of our other packages are also offered during this time for those who are not quite up for "extreme" riding!

Git along little doggy... reservations will fill up fast!